Help Desk and Help Desk + SLA

People Based Solutions provides outsourced human resource services to small to medium sized businesses.   The Help Desk service is intended to give quick answers to basic HR questions.   “Quick Answers” means questions that can typically be dealt with within 10 minutes and by sending a pro forma document with instructions on how to complete it.  For the Help Desk + administration such as drafting letters and producing other employee documents and giving mangers operational HR advice and support are covered by the SLA:

– Acknowledge, reply to and give a “quick answer” to a phone call, email or web request 1 working day,
– Deal with critical or urgent support requests: initial response and advice .5 working day,
– Give standard advice and/or draft standard letters 2 working days,
– Give non-standard advice and/or draft non-standard letters 5 working days,
– Deliver projects or complex assignment by agreement.


“Contact” means receiving and responding to a phone call, email or web request that together equal one contact.



“Ticket” means a complete loop beginning with a request posed by a customer, and an answer provided by the Help Desk staff on a single subject matter.   A Ticket may be opened and closed within one transaction contact, or it may take multiple contacts to close a Ticket.

Help Desk inquiries are triaged, so that more urgent matters will be addressed ahead of less urgent matters.

Fair Usage Policy:

At People Based Solutions we aim to be responsive and flexible when dealing with support requests from our customers. We acknowledge that customers may request our support for issues that can be time consuming, and may not have requested support for some time previously. However, to avoid possible misuse, we reserve the right set a maximum number of hours that can be used. When setting the hours available to a customer we will take the annual value of their subscription Ex VAT and divide it by 60. In the event the customer’s help desk usage, is considered excessive, we reserve the right to deducted from the customers contractual balance of hours, any time in excess of 10 minutes.  If the bank of hours is exhausted, then the client may be invoiced at the agreed hourly rate.

In the event a question posed to the Help Desk is beyond the scope of routine HR administration and basic employment law, People Based Solutions will advise the customer of options for further services.   The customer then has the option to enter in to a separate agreement, for those additional services.

People Based HR